Skin Care for men
Men Skin
Along with aging, skin can also experiences dryness, oily skin, blackheads, ingrown hairs and irritated red spots from shaving. Lifestyle contributes in a large part to the skin’s health. It is essential to have a healthy diet with vitamin supplementation to assist the body to keep skin healthy and younger looking. Some foods do not provide enough vitamins, minerals and especially anti-oxidants that the body needs.
The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin’s function is to protect against heat, light, injury and infection, as well as regulates the body’s temperature. Aging starts from cell damage that occure internally and externally which include; Exposure to UV RAYS, smoking, diet and lack of sleep. Generally men’s skin is about 20% thicker than womens’s skin which means that it has more collagen and elastin and is less subject to aging.
Keys to for Healthy Skin
To fight the aging process, the five basic ways to maintain and delay the aging process are:
• Exercise • Sleep • Drink plenty of water • Vitamin supplements •Proper skin care
Skin Care Maintenance
Shaving methods: Wet or Dry
Wet Shaving System
Shower first, then shave. The steam will soften the skin and use of a Botanical Buffing Beads or Pumice cleanser in circular motion will help lift any ingrown hairs.
Razor blade is run under hot water to warm it.
Work up a foam with Facial Shampoo. For extremely dry and sensitive skin, instead use a thin layer of Calming Bio lipid Fluid lightly over the beard area. This lubricates the skin and allows better glide. Shave with both hands, one stretching the skin and the other holding the blade.
Shaving tips
- Change blades every week
- Use short strokes
- Rinse blade often
- Careful not to press too hard, especially around the neck.