Facials and Skin Care

Facials and Skin Care

Getting a facial for acne can be a highly effective way to address and manage breakouts. Facials specifically tailored for acne help to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, removing dirt, oil, and dead skin cells that can clog pores and contribute to acne. They also...
Hydrating Mask Promo! free mask

Hydrating Mask Promo! free mask

Try our Hydrating Gelle Mask to soothe the skin after a hot day or sunburn     Sunburn tan lines of sunglasses, red painful skin. Don’t get shocked with a funny expression. If you forgot to put sunscreen on face on summer vacation, this can happen to...
Ice Roller benefits

Ice Roller benefits

Welcome to PSC! A place for all you skin care needs. A Microfusion facial can make you feel like a champ! Benefits for icing the skin: For Acne prone: Reduces inflammationNumbs pain and discomfortShrink pore sizeReduces oilinessProvides a soothing sensation Other...